South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

International Paper Company, vs. SCDHEC

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

International Paper Company,

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
DOCKET NO. 00-ALJ-07-0159-CC

Brad A. De Vore
Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, L.L.C.
3300 One First Union Center
301 South College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202-6025
Attorney for Petitioner

M. Shawn Harmon
Staff Counsel
South Carolina Department of Health And Environmental Control
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201-1708
Attorney for Respondent



This contested case comes before the undersigned by way of an agency transmittal from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (Department) requesting a hearing because of Petitioner International Paper Company's appeal of the issuance of Administrative Order 2000-038-W. Prior to a hearing being held, the parties reached an agreement resolving this matter without the need for a hearing. Consent Order 00-223-W, dated October 16, 2000, is attached and incorporated into this Order by reference.

Accordingly, by and with the consent of the parties, it is ordered and agreed that this contested case is dismissed.




Administrative Law Judge

Post Office Box 11667

Columbia, South Carolina 29211-1667

October 31, 2000

Columbia, South Carolina



Brad A. De Vore

Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, L.L.C.

3300 One First Union Center

301 South College Street

Charlotte, NC 28202-6025


Attorney for Petitioner

International Paper Company


M. Shawn Harmon

Staff Counsel

South Carolina Department of Health

And Environmental Control

2600 Bull Street

Columbia, SC 29201-1708


Attorney for Respondent

South Carolina Dept. of Health & Environmental Control

October 19, 2000

Columbia, South Carolina










International Paper Company owns and previously operated the International Paper - Masonite facility (Subject Property) located in Sellers, South Carolina.

This Consent Order is entered into by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (Department) and International Paper (Respondent) with respect to the assessment and remediation of the Subject Property.

IN THE INTEREST OF RESOLVING THIS MATTER without delay, the Respondent agrees to the entrance of this Consent Order, but neither agrees nor disagrees with the Findings of Fact or the Conclusions of Law; and therefore, agrees that this Order shall be deemed an admission of fact and law only as necessary for enforcement of this Order by the Department or subsequent actions relating to the Respondent by the Department.


1. The Subject Property, with appurtenances, has been utilized for the manufacture of medium density fiberboard. The Respondent currently owns the property. Previously, the facility was owned by Celotex and operated under the name Celotex. The primary features of the Subject Property include the manufacturing building, a wastewater treatment plant consisting of three lagoons, an inactive 6-acre spray irrigation field, a 27-acre spray irrigation field discontinued from use in 1998, and an unused 35-acre spray irrigation field.

2. Sources of contamination identified at the Subject Property include: both the 6-acre and 27-acre spray irrigation fields. Investigations confirmed that nitrate-nitrogen was detected in the groundwater. Also, soils have been impacted by organic nitrogen. The source of the problem has been corrected.

3. The Respondent initiated a hydrogeological investigation in the 1980's. Subsequent investigations through 1998 were completed to determine the extent of the groundwater and soil impacts both on-site and off-site. Computer modeling of the situation has determined that the Subject Property will be remediated in approximately six (6) to ten (10) years.

4. The Department and the Respondent are entering this Order in order to remediate the Subject Property by monitored natural attenuation.


Based upon the above Findings of Fact, the Department reaches the following conclusions of law:

1. The Pollution Control Act, S.C. Code Ann. §48-1-50 (1987), gives the Department the authority to hold hearings, issue orders and conduct studies and investigations to abate, control, and prevent pollution.

2. As established by South Carolina Water Classifications and Standards, 24 S.C. CodeRegs. 61-68 H.4 (1998), it is the policy of the Department that all ground waters of the State shall be protected, to the extent possible, to a quality consistent with the use associated with the classes described therein.

3. As established by the Pollution Control Act, S.C. Code Ann. §48-1-50 (1987), the Department may encourage voluntary cooperation by persons, or affected groups in restoration and preservation of a reasonable degree of purity of air and water.

4. A violation of the Pollution Control Act, S.C. Code Ann. §48-1-110(d) (1987), and South Carolina Water Classifications and Standards, 24 S.C. Code Regs, 61-9.122.41(a) (1998), has occurred in that two (2) permitted spray irrigation fields were overloaded, causing excessive nitrogen levels to leach to the water table and contaminate the surficial aquifer.

5. A violation of the South Carolina Water Classifications and Standards, 24 S.C. Code Regs. 61-68 H.9 (1998), has occurred in that groundwater quality at the Subject Property has not been maintained in accordance with Class GB standards.

6. The Pollution Control Act, S.C. Code Ann. §48-1-330 (1987) provides a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per day of violation for any person violating the Act or any rule, regulation, permit, permit condition, final determination, or order of the Department.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS CONSENTED TO AND AGREED that the Respondent shall accomplish the requirements detailed below:

1. A groundwater monitoring program will be established to ensure that the groundwater contaminant plume(s) does not increase in size or adversely affect any receptor.

2. The groundwater monitoring program shall consist of onsite monitoring well #'s 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34D, 35D, 36D, 37, and of offsite monitoring wells PMW-1 through PMW-4 and CMW-1 through CMW-4.

3. This Order shall terminate when:

a. contaminate levels in all monitoring wells included in the Monitored Natural Attenuation Program, as a result of two consecutive sampling events and confirmed within 30 days, ahve attenuated to the Class GB standard of 10 mg/L or less; or

b. contaminant levels at wells CMW 1 through CMW4 or MW 37, as a result of two consecutive sampling events and confirmed within 30 days, are reported to exceed the Class GB standard of 10 mg/L; or

c. ten years have passed since the execution of this Order.

4. In accordance with the December 1998 report titled, "Natural Attenuation of Nitrate-Nitrogen Impacts on a Localized Shallow Ground Water Flow System at the Masonite Corporation Marion Plant in Sellers, SC," and with monitoring well approvals dated April 9, 1999, and June 23, 1999, initiate a monitoring program as follows. Perform semi-annual sampling of monitoring wells in which nitrate levels have historically exceeded the Class GB quality standard of 10 mg/L. These wells are #'s 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 28, 29, 30, 32, and 33. Downgradient offsite monitoring wells PMW-1 through PMW-4, CMW-1 through CMW-4, and cross-gradient on-site monitoring well MW-37, shall also be sampled semi-annually. Monitoring wells in which nitrate levels have historically been less than 10 mg/L may be sampled biennially. These wells are #'s 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31, 34D, 35D, and 36D. The monitoring wells on the unused 35-acre sprayfield expansion, i.e., #'s 13, 24, 25, 26, and 27 shall be sampled once, coinciding with the first sampling event required by this Order, to establish background data. The analytical parameter list consists of nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia, water table elevation, and field measurements for specific conductance, water temperature, and pH.

5. To gauge the performance of the monitored natural attenuation program, baseline concentrations of nitrate shall be established in monitoring wells where nitrate has historically exceeded that Class GB standard of 10 mg/L, as listed in the preceding paragraph. The baseline nitrate concentrations shall be determined by the average of those detected during the eight (8) most recent rounds of quarterly compliance monitoring immediately preceding this Order. Note: for well 18, the baseline shall be 10 mg/L; for wells 32 and 33, the baseline shall be the average of the two (2) previous sampling events prior to this Order.

6. Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Department by June 30 and December 31 of each year for the duration of the approved monitored natural attenuation program. These reports shall contain tabulated monitoring results, laboratory certificates of analyses, and interpretation of data as appropriate, e.g., isoconcentration maps, potentiometric maps, signed chain of custody forms.

7. To ensure that the approved monitored natural attenuation program is functioning as modeled, submit an evaluation report to the Department every three (3) years. This report shall contain comparisons of groundwater analytical data to the model output confirming continued favorable conditions. Any deviations from the model output should be reported.

8. By mutual agreement, the sampling locations, sampling frequency, and analytical parameters specified in this Order can be modified after an adequate reference database has been established.

9. The Department is to be informed within fifteen (15) working days of the Respondent's receipt of laboratory results of any contaminant concentrations exceeding groundwater standards at the compliance boundary monitoring wells and/or contaminant concentrations detected over the course of two (2) consecutive sampling events at concentrations greater than the baseline values as per paragraph five (5) of this Order.

10. This Order will not be used as acceptance for other contaminants present, or potentially present, in the aquifers beneath the referenced site other than for those compounds addressed in this Order. This Order shall not be used as acceptance for introducing any additional compounds onto the surface or into the subsurface environment.

11. All deadlines set forth in this Order may be modified or otherwise amended by written agreement of both parties.

12. The Parties agree to the tolling of all Time-Based Defenses applicable to the environmental contamination that is the subject of this Order as of February 22, 2000. "Time-Based Defenses" include, but are not limited to, applicable statute of limitations or repose or other time-based defense or claim, resulting from the deferral in filing or commencing of a legal action during the effective period of this Order. For purposes of this paragraph 12 of this Order, the "effective period of this Order" shall be from February 22, 2000, through the date this Order is terminated pursuant to the termination provisions set forth in paragraph 3 on page 4 of this Order or on pages 8 and 9 of this Order. It is the intention of each Party that the time period during the effective period of this Order shall not be considered in computing the time in which any Time-Based Defenses or any claims or suits should have been brought in any action that either Party may file against the other. Each Party expressly waives and agrees not to assert any Time-Based Defenses to claims brought by the other, based upon delay in commencing suit or meeting conditions precedent to the filing of a suit or other legal proceeding during the effective period of this Order.

13. Within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Order, pay to the Department a civil penalty in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00).

PURSUANT TO THIS ORDER, all requirement to be submitted to the Department shall be addressed as follows:

J. Robin Foy

Bureau of Water - Water Pollution Enforcement Section

S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control

2600 Bull Street

Columbia, S.C. 29201

IT IS FURTHER AGREED that if any event occurs which causes or may cause a delay in meeting any of the above scheduled dates for completion of any specified activity, notify the Department in writing at least one (1) week before the scheduled date, describing in detail the anticipated length of the delay, the precise cause or causes of delay, if ascertainable, the measures taken or to be taken to prevent or minimize the delay, and the timetable by which those measures will be implemented.

The Department shall provide written notice when practicable that a specified extension of time has been granted or that no extension has been granted. An extension shall be granted for any scheduled activity delayed by an event of force majeure, which shall mean any event arising from causes beyond the control of the Respondent that causes a delay in or prevents the performance of any of the conditions under this Consent Order including, but not limited to: a) acts of God, fire, war, insurrection, civil disturbance, explosion; b) adverse weather condition that could not be reasonably anticipated causing unusual delay in transportation and/or field work activities; c) restraint by court order or order of public authority; d) inability to obtain, after exercise of reasonable diligence and timely submittal of all applicable applications, any necessary authorizations, approvals, permits, or licenses due to action or inaction of any governmental agency or authority; and e) delays caused by compliance with applicable statutes or regulations governing contracting, procurement or acquisition procedures, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence by the Respondent.

Events which are not force majeure include by example, but are not limited to, unanticipated or increased costs of performance, changed economic circumstances, normal precipitation events, or any person's failure to exercise due diligence in obtaining governmental permits or fulfilling contractual duties. Such determination will be made in the sole discretion of the Department. Any extension shall be incorporated by reference as an enforceable part of this Consent Order and thereafter be referred to as an attachment to the Consent Order.

Upon receipt of any submission required under this Order, the Department shall expeditiously review and notify the Respondent whether the submission is approved. If the submission is unacceptable the notification will specify the reasons why approval cannot be granted. The Respondent shall submit a revised report within thirty (30) of receipt of written notification of disapproval by the Department of within a reasonable additional period as may be requested by the Respondent and agreed to in writing by the Department. The Department shall expeditiously review and notify the Respondent whether the revised report is approved. If the revised report is unacceptable the notification will specify the reasons why approval cannot be granted. If Respondent fails to submit a second revised report within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notification of disapproval of the revised report by the Department or within a reasonable additional period as may be requested by the Respondent and agreed to in writing by the Department, this Order shall terminate. Upon Department approval of submittals and schedules contemplated in this Order, such submittals and schedules shall become an enforceable part of this Order.

IT IS FURTHER AGREED that failure to comply with the deadlines in the approved Work Plan, Final Work Plan or any extension approved by the Department may be considered a violation of the provisions of this Order.

Failure to comply with any provision of this Order shall be grounds for further enforcement action.



_____________________________________________ DATE:_______________________

Douglas E. Bryant


_____________________________________________ DATE:________________________

Alton C. Boozer

Bureau of Water


_____________________________________________ DATE:_________________________

International Paper

___________________________________________ DATE:________________________

Valerie A. Betterton

Water Enforcement Division

___________________________________________ DATE:__________________________

Attorney for Department

Brown Bldg.






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