South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

Hildegard Maricq vs. SCDHEC

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

Hildegard Maricq

S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control, Bureau of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management

Mark and Judith Green and Claudia B. FitzGerald

John P. Kassebaum
Attorney for SCDHEC-OCRM

Claudia B. FitzGerald

Hildegard Maricq

Mark and Judith Green



This matter is before the Court pursuant to a Petition for Review filed by Hildegard Maricq, seeking review of permit number OCRM-97-358-G. On December 1, 1997, OCRM denied a permit to Dr. Maricq for the installation of a floating breakwater on and adjacent to James Island Creek at 728 Jim Isle Drive, James Island, Charleston County, South Carolina. OCRM transmitted the appeal to Administrative Law Judge Division on December 17, 1997, and issued a Public Notice Of Appeal on December 18, 1997. On February 4, 1998, the Court granted a motion to intervene by Mark and Judith Green and Claudia B. FitzGerald. Prior to a hearing on the merits, the parties notified the Court that an agreement had been reached to dismiss this action.

To combat a rapidly increasing erosion problem to the marsh in front of her property, Petitioner applied to OCRM for authorization to install a floating breakwater. The purpose of the breakwater was to reduce damage caused by wakes from boat traffic in James Island Creek. Petitioner's erosion problem is mainly caused by scouring from the current in James Island Creek due to the fact that her property is located on an outside bend of the creek. Most of the adjacent property owners have erected bulkheads over the years to protect their high ground from erosion. Petitioner was advised by OCRM that she too could erect a bulkhead at the critical area line. However, this solution would not protect the marsh from further erosion. In an attempt to prevent further loss of the marsh in front of her property, Petitioner seeks and OCRM has agreed to allow Dr. Maricq to install a floating silt curtain for a trial period of 90 days pursuant to the attached drawings and the following special conditions.

This Consent Order has been provided to the Court by the parties and represents their agreement that:

1. Respondent agrees to issue permit number OCRM-97-358-G with the following special conditions;

a. Provided the installation of the curtain is authorized as a temporary placement only. The initial authorization period is for 90 days only, after which the entire structure must be removed unless it can be documented that the curtain is functioning as intended. Since this curtain is intended to eliminate slumping of marsh vegetation, this documentation must show that no further erosion of the marsh edge has occurred. Measurements of the marsh edge must be taken immediately prior to installation and again at the 90 day interval as part of the documentation process.

b. Provided the curtain must be maintained in good condition. Should the curtain deteriorate, it must be immediately removed along with any accompanying debris.

c. Provided a bond adequate for the removal of the curtain is posted with OCRM. This bond must remain in effect as long as the curtain is present in the critical area.

d. Provided the location for the curtain is verified in the field by OCRM staff prior to installation. The location must not impede navigation or hinder public access.

e. Provide the location of the pilings is clearly marked by reflectors or other approved lighting method.

2. All other terms and conditions of the permit as issued are valid and enforceable.

3. The Petitioner and Intervenors agree to dismiss their appeal of permit number OCRM-97-358-G.

WHEREAS the permit issued pursuant to these terms and conditions constitutes a valid permit pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §48-39-10 ~ seq. and S.C. Rules and Regulations for permitting in the Coastal Zone R.30-1 through R.30-20.

THEREFORE, with the consent of the parties, it is hereby ORDERED, that Docket Number 97-ALJ-07-0758-CC is hereby dismissed.




April 21, 1998

Columbia, South Carolina

Brown Bldg.






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