South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

William Wheeler #172460 vs. DOC

South Carolina Department of Corrections

William Wheeler #172460

South Carolina Department of Corrections




This matter comes before the Administrative Law Judge Division (Division) pursuant to the appeal of William Wheeler, an inmate incarcerated with the Department of Corrections (Department). The Appellant alleges that the Department wrongfully convicted him of violating SCDC Disciplinary Policy § 1.01, Escape or Escape Attempt or Aiding and Abetting Escape With/Without Force.


At approximately 8:30 p.m. on October 29, 2002, Officer Reed, an employee at the Lower Savannah Pre-Release Center (Center), discovered that Inmate Wheeler had not returned to the Center from his outside job. The Appellant, however, did return to the Center at approximately 10:50 p.m., although an unauthorized individual returned him. Footnote The Record revealed that the Appellant’s employer outside the Pre-Release Center, who was one of the only individuals authorized to transport the Appellant to and from the Center, was related to the Appellant, against SCDC policy. Footnote The Appellant was convicted of violating SCDC Disciplinary Policy § 1.01 Escape or Escape Attempt or Aiding and Abetting Escape With/Without Force. A Code 1.01 violation is:

The act of any inmate who by force or threat of force escapes, attempts to escape, or aids another person to escape or attempt to escape from the confines of the institution; from state, federal, county or city property; or from official custody or supervision with or without force beyond the confines of the institution; to include actual or constructive possession of tools or items which are intended to be used to facilitate an escape.

As a result of that conviction, the Appellant lost 770 days of good time.

The facts surrounding this case and what actually occurred after Inmate Wheeler left the Savannah Pre-Release Center on the morning of October 29, 2002 for his job outside the facility establish that the Appellant clearly abused the privilege granted to him by the Center to prepare himself for return to society. Furthermore, the Appellant’s employer, Mr. Adams, knew or should have known that his actions of that day (and obviously days leading up to this incident), as a trustee of prisoners, were against SCDC policy. Nevertheless, though the Appellant belatedly returned to the low-security facility, he returned on his own volition. The evidence did not establish that he had any intention of escaping from the institution or his trustee. Therefore, I find that there is insufficient evidence to sustain the Appellant’s conviction of Escape. Rather, I find that the more appropriate charge in this matter was Out of Place, SCDC Disciplinary Policy § 2.16. “Out of Place” is:

The Act of an inmate who without authority either fails to report to his/her appointed place of duty of assignment or any other place to which he/she was ordered; leaves his or her appointed place of duty or assignment; is found to be in an authorized area of the institution.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the appeal of William Wheeler in the instant docket is REMANDED to the Department for it to conduct a hearing on a charge of “Out of Place” within sixty (60) days from the date of this Order.



Ralph King Anderson, III

Administrative Law Judge

August 14, 2003

Columbia, South Carolina

Brown Bldg.






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