South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

Katie M. Mosley, d/b/a Pop's Place vs. SCDOR

South Carolina Department of Revenue

Katie M. Mosley, d/b/a Pop's Place

South Carolina Department of Revenue

For the Petitioner: Pro Se

For the Respondent South Carolina Department of Revenue and Taxation: No Appearance

For the Protestants: No Appearance




This matter comes before the Administrative Law Judge Division pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §§61-1-55, et seq. (Supp. 1993) and S. C. Code Ann. §§1-23-310 et seq. (1986 and Supp. 1993) for a hearing pursuant to the application of Katie M. Mosley, d/b/a Pop's Place(Applicant). The Applicant seeks an on-premise beer and wine permit (101661) for 1366 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, South Carolina.

A hearing was held on March 23, 1995, at the office of Administrative Law Judge Division, 1205 Pendleton Street, Columbia, South Carolina. Notice of the time, date and place of the hearing was timely given to all parties including the protestants. The beer and wine permit requested by the Applicant is approved with stipulations.


Without objection the Department of Revenue and Taxation's file was made a part of the record.


Having observed the witnesses and exhibits presented at the hearing and closely passed upon their credibility, taking into consideration the burden of persuasion by the parties or protestants, I make the following findings of fact by a preponderance of the evidence:

1. The court has subject matter jurisdiction of this contested case.

2. Notice of the time, date, place, and subject matter of the hearing was given to the Applicant, protestants and the South Carolina Department of Revenue.

4. The Applicant seeks an on-premise beer and wine permit for 1366 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, South Carolina.

5. The Applicant is a legal resident of the United States and has been a legal resident and maintained her principal place of abode in South Carolina for at least thirty (30) days.

6. The Applicant has not had a permit or license revoked within two years before the date of the application.

7. The Applicant is twenty-one years of age or older.

8. Notice of the application was lawfully posted at the location and published in a newspaper of general circulation for the required statutory period. See S.C. Code Ann. §§61-9-320(7) and (8) (Supp. 1993).

9. The proposed location is situated in an area zoned commercial by Richland County. There are no playgrounds or schools in close proximity to the location. However, there are residences located nearby. Furthermore, a church is located approximately 300 feet from the site of the proposed location. However, separating the church from the site is a well traveled, four lane thoroughfare in Columbia. Additionally, Andy's, a club with an on-premise beer and wine permit is located 20 feet to the West of the proposed site. A Pantry, with an off-premise beer and wine permit, is located 600 feet to the East of the proposed site. Finally, the proposed site is completely surrounded by businesses.

10. At the hearing the Applicant agreed to be bound by the restriction that her business operate only Monday through Saturday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.


Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I conclude as a matter of law the following:

1. Section 1-23-600 S.C. Code Ann. (Supp. 1993) grants jurisdiction to the Administrative Law Judge Division to hear contested cases under the Administrative Procedures Act.

2. Section 61-1-55 S.C. Code Ann. (Supp. 1993) grants to the Administrative Law Judge Division the powers, duties and responsibilities as hearing officer in protested and contested matters governing alcoholic beverages, beer and wine.

3. Section 61-9-320 S.C. Code Ann. (Supp. 1993) and §§61-3-440 et.seq. (Supp. 1993) sets forth the requirements for the issuance of an on-premise beer and wine permit and a sale and consumption license.

4. As trier of fact, an Administrative Law Judge is authorized to determine the fitness or suitability of the proposed location of an applicant for a permit or license to sell alcohol, beer or wine using broad but not unbridled discretion. Byers v. S. C. ABC Commission, 316 S.E. 2d 705 (S.C. App. 1984).

5. The determination of suitability of a location is not necessarily a function of geography. It involves an infinite variety of considerations related to the nature and operation of the proposed business and its impact on the community within which it is located. Kearney v. Allen, 287 S.C. 324, 338 S.E. 2d 335 (1985).

6. Section 61-3-425 S.C. Code Ann. (Supp. 1993) requires an applicant seeking a license to present to the Department of Revenue and Taxation a signed statement from both the Department and the Internal Revenue Service showing the applicant doesn't owe state or federal taxes, penalties or interest.

7. Section 61-9-340 S.C. Code (Supp. 1993) provides that upon determination that the applicant meets the criteria for the issuance of a permit or license, and has not misstated or concealed a fact in the application, the South Carolina Department of Revenue and Taxation must issue the permit after payment of the prescribed fee.

8. Permits and licenses issued by the state for sale of liquor, beer and wine are not rights or property but are, rather, privileges granted in the exercise of the state's police power to be used and enjoyed only so long as the restrictions and conditions governing them are complied with. The Administrative Law Judge, as the tribunal authorized to grant the issuance of a permit, may likewise place restrictions or conditions on the permit or license. See, Feldman v. S.C. Tax Commission, 203 S.C. 49, 26 S.E.2d 22 (1943). Furthermore, 23 S.C. Code Ann. Regs. 7-88 (1976) authorizing the imposition of restrictions to permits, provides:

Any stipulation and/or agreement which is voluntarily entered into by an applicant in writing for a beer and wine permit between the applicant and the South Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, if accepted by the Commission, will be incorporated into the basic requirements for the enjoyment and privilege of obtaining and retaining the beer and wine permit and which shall have the same effect as any and all laws and any and all other regulations pertaining to the effective administration of beer and wine permittees.

In the event that evidence is presented to this Commission that any part of the stipulation or agreement is or has been knowingly broken by the permittee will be a violation against the permit and shall constitute sufficient grounds to suspend or revoke said beer and wine permit.

9. I conclude that the applicant meets all the statutory requirements for holding a beer and wine permit at the proposed location. Accordingly, I conclude that the proposed location is a proper one for granting the above permit with the following restrictions in the form of a written stipulation.


Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, It is hereby:

ORDERED that the application of Katie M. Mosley for an on-premise beer and wine permit at 1366 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, South Carolina be granted upon the Applicant signing a written agreement with the South Carolina Department of Revenue and Taxation to adhere to the stipulations which she agreed to that are set forth below:

1. That the Applicant shall operate her business only Monday through Saturday between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a violation of the above condition is considered a violation against the permit and may result in a fine, suspension or revocation.

AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Department of Revenue and Taxation issue the permit upon payment of the required fees and costs by the applicant.



Ralph King Anderson, III

Administrative Law Judge

Columbia, South Carolina

March 30, 1995

Brown Bldg.






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