South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

Insurance Services Office Commercial Risk Services, Inc. vs. SCDOI

South Carolina Department of Insurance

Insurance Services Office Commercial Risk Services, Inc.

South Carolina Department of Insurance




On February 27, 1995, Insurance Services Office Commercial Risk Services, Inc. (ISO) made a filing with the Chief Insurance Commissioner requesting approval of an overall decrease of -5.8% in its Commercial Property loss costs in addition to revising certain miscellaneous multistate rules and the Specific Property Evaluation Schedule (SCOPES) (ISO filing CF 95-RLA1).

The hearing in this matter was held before me on June 7, 1995.

Present at the hearing were Lester H. Hammond, III, Assistant Regional Manager, representing Insurance Services Office, Inc.; Mr. Dean Kruger, Assistant Actuary, South Carolina Department of Insurance; and Lee P. Jedziniak, General Counsel, representing the South Carolina

Department of Insurance.

From testimony, exhibits and arguments presented at the hearing, I find and conclude as follows:


Having carefully considered all testimony, evidence and arguments presented at the hearing in this matter, I find as to the requested revision in Commercial Property loss costs:

1. That the filer's overall indicated advisory loss cost level change was a decrease of -5.8% as filed.

2. That the filer's most recent loss cost level change was an overall increase of +1.8% effective on September 22, 1994.

3. That, as filed, the filer's proposed statewide advisory loss cost level changes were:

Coverage Indicated/Filed
Basic Group I + 0.7%
Basic Group II - 30.3%
Special Causes of Loss + 17.1%
Total - 5.8%

4. That the revised South Carolina Exception Rules; revised Condominium Commercial Unit-Owners Optional Coverages Endorsement; and the revised Specific Property Evaluation Schedule (SCOPES) found in Sections II, III and IV of filing CF 95-RLA1 are properly supported by the aforesaid filing.

5. That the filer's proposed effective date of December 1, 1995, is supported by the information in the filing.

6. That the Assistant Actuary has reviewed this filing and has determined that the requested loss cost revision, when used by the ISO member and subscriber companies, would produce rates that are not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.

7. That based on these facts, the Insurance Department's staff does not oppose that the overall loss cost changes set forth in Paragraph 3 above be approved.


It is my opinion, having fully considered the preponderance of evidence on the record, that the proposal of Insurance Services Office Commercial Risk Services, Inc., for a revision in Commercial Property loss costs, when used by its member and subscriber companies, would produce rates that would not be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory and would be in compliance with S.C. Code Ann. § 38-73-430.

Further, it is my opinion, having fully considered the preponderance of evidence on the record, that the proposal of Insurance Services Office Commercial Risk Services, Inc. for a revision in Commercial Property - South Carolina Exception Rules; the change in the Condominium Commercial Unit-Owners Optional Coverages Endorsement; and the revised Specific Property Evaluation Schedule (SCOPES), found in filing CF 95-RLA1 are in compliance with S.C. Code Ann. Title 38 Chapter 73 and are approved with an effective date of December 1, 1995.

I therefore conclude that the proposed loss costs meet all statutory requirements and are therefore approved with an effective date of December 1, 1995.




June _____, 1995

Columbia, South Carolina

Brown Bldg.






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