South Carolina              
Administrative Law Court
Edgar A. Brown building 1205 Pendleton St., Suite 224 Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: (803) 734-0550

SC Administrative Law Court Decisions

Allstate Insurance Company vs. SCDOI, et al

South Carolina Department of Insurance

Allstate Insurance Company

South Carolina Department of Insurance and Philip S. Porter, as Consumer Advocate for the State of South Carolina

Kurt D. Cagle T. Douglas Concannon, Esquire
Associate State Filings Director Associate General Counsel
Allstate Insurance Company South Carolina Department

Hana Pokorna-Williamson, Esquire
Staff Attorney
South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs



WHEREAS, on August 28, 2001, Philip S. Porter, Consumer Advocate for the State of South Carolina (the Consumer Advocate) requested the South Carolina Department of Insurance (the Department) to initiate a public hearing on the filing of Allstate Insurance Company and Allstate Indemnity Company (collectively "Allstate") requesting approval of an overall increase of 8.5% and 12.0%, respectively, in homeowners insurance rates. Included in the rate change request are the proposals to place all new business in Allstate Indemnity Company and to subject all new applications to an Insurance Financial Stability score (ISF);

WHEREAS, on September 5, 2001, the Department filed with the Administrative Law Judge Division an Agency Transmittal Form requesting a public hearing;

WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge Division assigned this matter to Honorable Ralph King Anderson, III, under the Docket Nos. 01-ALJ-09-0395-CC (Allstate Indemnity Company) and 01-ALJ-09-396-CC (Allstate Insurance Company);

WHEREAS, the Consumer Advocate requested additional information from Allstate and he and his consulting actuary discussed with Allstate various concerns with respect to the filing, including, but not limited to, the introduction of Insurance Financial Stability score (IFS) -- a credit scoring system utilized to determine consumers' eligibility for insurance or the premiums to be charged to a consumer;

WHEREAS, Allstate proposes (a) to introduce IFS only in Allstate Indemnity Company and (b) to place all new business in Allstate Indemnity only;

WHEREAS, as a result of these discussions between Allstate and the Consumer Advocate, the parties declare and agree as follows:

1. Income level is not used as a factor in Allstate IFS model. In addition, Allstate's scoring model does not include the actual dollar amount of balance or credit limits as variables. Instead, the ratio of these items is considered.

2. Allstate has not had an independent evaluation of its IFS scoring method. Allstate asserts that its scoring algorithm is a trade secret and its underlying data and analysis is privileged and confidential and that it would not reveal it unless ordered to do so by a court.

3. Allstate asserts that it does not obtain or retain information related to ethnic origin and income for its policy holders.

4. Allstate shall keep the rating and underwriting experience (i.e., premiums, losses and policy counts/exposures) in the Allstate Indemnity Company by IFS group and by zip code.

5. After Allstate obtains one year of data as described in item 4 above, it shall perform two separate studies. The first study will rank zip codes by median income based on the most recent available census data. Zip codes would then be combined into five or more groups of equal population based upon the rank of each zip code. The final number of groups shall be determined once the original data is assembled in order to arrive at a statistically meaningful zip code groupings. Allstate will then compare average IFS scores and distributions of IFS groups for each of the five or more groups. A second study will be done by ranking zip codes based upon percentage of the minority population.

6. Allstate agrees to make the results of the studies described in item 5 above available to the Consumer Advocate and the Department. A description of the data and analysis will be provided, the zip codes included in each zip code grouping will be identified, and the experience totals for each zip code group will be provided. Allstate asserts that the data by individual zip code is proprietary and confidential, and would not be revealed absent a court order, but nevertheless agrees that it will provide example zip codes from some groups, identify the group they are from, and then provide the experience numbers for those zip codes without identifying specifically which zip codes they are. This information will be provided in good faith in order to assist the other parties in understanding the impact of IFS scoring on low income and minority population.

7. Allstate scoring model excludes medical liens that can be identified on a credit report. However, Allstate recognizes that there is a potential for other adverse items to appear on a credit record as a result of a serious illness or a disability without being specifically attributed to such illness or disability. Allstate currently does not have in place an appeal process but recognizes the need to study this issue. Allstate agrees to investigate in good faith what would be required to develop an appeal process to ameliorate the adverse consequences of a serious illness or disability on insurance underwriting and pricing. Within a reasonable time, Allstate will share the results of such investigation with the Consumer Advocate and the Department.

8. Allstate made the business decision to use IFS scoring algorithm for initial placement only and to not re-run credit reports at renewals or as requested. Allstate agrees to continue to study how IFS scores and loss ratios change over time before making further determination on this question. Within a reasonable time, Allstate will share the results of such investigation with the Consumer Advocate and the Department.

9. The fact that Allstate maintains here that certain information is confidential and proprietary or constitutes a trade secret does not necessarily mean that the Consumer Advocate and the Department concede that this information is in fact confidential or proprietary or constitutes a trade secret.

10. Nothing in this order should be understood as an endorsement by the Consumer Advocate or the Department of the credit scoring program as a whole or any part thereof.

11. Based on the above agreements and declarations, the Consumer Advocate no longer believes that the filing will result in rates that are excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory in violation of S.C. Code Ann. § 38-73-430 (Supp. 2000), and now withdraws his original request for a hearing in this matter.

11. There are no unresolved issues remaining; therefore, all parties agree to the dismissal of this matter.

NOW, THEREFORE, the above referenced matter is dismissed.



Ralph King Anderson, III

Administrative Law Judge

October 1, 2001

Columbia, South Carolina


_____________________________ ______________________________

Kurt D. Cagle T. Douglas Concannon, Esquire

Associate State Filings Director Associate General Counsel

Allstate Insurance Company South Carolina Department

2775 Sanders Road, Suite A5 of Insurance

Northbrook, IL 60062 P.O. Box 100105

Columbia, SC 29202-6160


Hana Pokorna-Williamson, Esquire

Staff Attorney

South Carolina Department of

Consumer Affairs

3600 Forest Drive, 3rd Floor

Columbia, SC 29204

Brown Bldg.






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